Why has Petbelle been founded?
There are more than half a million dogs just in Slovakia. Each one of them is unique and often represents an irredeemable part of a family. Each one of them deserves special care of their coat, skin, teeth and paw pads. Care coming from the power of nature. The lack of quality bio-products on the market, in combination with our desire to come up with new and quality solutions for problems of all dog owners, led us to our decision to found a company focused on manufacturing and selling our own bio-products. In 2016, an innovative family company, Petbelle, has been founded. We are right in the heart of Europe – in the capital of Slovakia (Bratislava).
What are the main advantages of Petbelle products?
There are a number of products for grooming dogs; however, it is not simple to choose the best ones. That is the reason why we would like to share with you what makes our products different from the rest. All our products are manufactured on a pure base. Their content is without any synthetic substances. To make a long story short, they are bio-products. Products Pet Sapo, Pet Balsam and Pet Repellent are produced following our own original patented recipes. We are using first class ingredients only. The effectiveness of these ingredients have been proven by ages. All our products are approved by Institute of State Control for Veterinary Bioproducts and Pharmaceuticals of the Slovak Republic. You are supporting the Slovakian economy thanks to your purchase of our products – Pet Sapo, Pet Balsam, or Pet Repellent- which are all produced in Slovakia.
What is our vision at Petbelle?
Our main aim is to offer extraordinary bio-products manufactured on a pure natural base. We would like to become a reliable partner for all owners of dogs. Besides offering line of natural pet bio-products for dogs, our vision towards the future is to create a line of natural equine bio-products, too. Bio-products for all lovers of horses based on our original recipes. Our dream is to change the thinking of all owners of dogs and horses who have not so far realized the power of nature hidden in three letters – bio. Simply stated, create a community of people who know what is best for their dogs and horses.